Student Story: Zueleyma Ruiz & Brenda Zelaya-Wade

(Zuleyma Ruiz, Carol Johnson, Brenda Zelaya-Wade)


Zuleyma Ruiz and Brenda Zelaya-Wade have made history! 


After passing a rigorous 7-part exam, they each earned their Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor Certificates. According to their teacher Carol Johnson, this makes them the first DACE accounting students ever to receive this prestigious industry recognition.


Becoming QuickBooks ProAdvisor Consultants means Brenda and Zuleyma have achieved professional-level mastery of QuickBooks accounting software enabling them to attract and retain a larger, more significant customer base for their own accounting businesses.


Brenda says, “Before getting my certification, I was having a hard time finding customers. Now potential clients understand I’m as hireable as those with accounting degrees. In fact, I’ve just been contracted to do the books for a retail health food business!”


“We couldn’t have done this without our teacher,” adds Zuleyma.  “Ms. Carol Johnson is great and always dedicates whatever’s needed to help us reach our goals. With a good teacher and a willingness to work hard, you can do anything!”


Los Angeles Technology Center